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4. Do Sports Betting Systems Work?

Revealed- how the Martingale betting system works


The Martingale System explained

Generally sports betting systems are deceptive, whilst appearing to give you some sort of the control over the outcome. Today I am going to look at arguably the best known system. The Martingale system.


What is the Martingale system?

The Martingale system is based on the approach that if you lose the first bet, then you should double the next one, and continue until you eventually win. Although the theory makes sense, having used the system when I was younger, I can confirm that as a long term strategy it is fundamentally flawed.


The problem with using the Martingale system

The problem with using the Martingale system is that it is a short term strategy. You will win, possibly even quite a bit of money. However, the winning streak will not last and you will either use up every bit of your bankroll or reach the cap that exists in casinos to prevent systems like the Martingale from working.


For example, if you bet HKD 100.00, would you be willing to wager HKD 3,200.00 with a 48% probability to win HKD 100.00 after losing 5 times in a row? It doesn’t make any sense, but that is what you would end up doing if you used The Martingale System. If you double and lose, betting systems like the Martingale won't work in the long run, instead they will simply wipe out your bankroll.


Thus it is much better in the long term to stay away from betting systems and stick to solid, consistent sports handicapping services like ours.


Continue to read the next Article : Sports Betting Scams and Scamdicappers

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